
who to call translate

Get Your Driver’s License If You’re Undocumented

Driver’s License – How to Get your License if you’re Undocumented The Department of Motor Vehicles website offers information and a link to schedule your appointment. Be sure to download the materials or get the app from this website and STUDY BEFORE YOU GO!

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Need your Birth Certificate?

A new law can help you get your birth certificate if you’re on your own. You don’t need help from a parent or guardian. Click here to see how.  

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You are important!

The Dec 12th legislative forum brought together state and national experts to help resolve the problem of homelessness for youth in Connecticut. To read more about the forum here are a few links for you to visit. We’ve also included a link to a video of the forum. State’s Homeless Youth Tell of Struggles – […]

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Here is Your Chance to Speak Up!

If you want to tell legislators what you think about how DCF prepares youth to live on their own, there will be a public hearing at 2:00 on Thursday October 3, 2013 at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.  A public hearing may sound scary, but really it’s not so bad.  Click here for some […]

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How to Get Food Benefits

Many of you tell us about problems trying to get food benefits (also called SNAP).  Well, the feds made things a lot clearer for those of you who are on your own and trying to get help with food from the State: Photo ID: you can use a license, a work or school ID, your […]

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Is Job Corps Right For Me?

Job Corps Now Enrolling! They are seeking new applicants ages 16 to 24 for their national career training and education program at 125 campuses across the country. Residential and nonresidential spots are available. If you are low-income and looking for an opportunity to gain education, career training and employment skills, this may be a great […]

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who to call