
who to call translate


Is it Confidential?

Are you trying to see a doctor and are wondering if you can see one without your parent’s or guardian’s consent? Are you not sure what to do? Click here to read important information about STIs, HIV/AIDS, Birth Control, Abortion and Safe Havens.

Is Love Supposed to Hurt Me?

CoupleMia liked that her boyfriend Edwin paid so much attention to her, waiting for her after class and trying to spend all his time alone with her. But he also kept her away from other friends, and was always paranoid that Mia was cheating on him. Edwin called Mia a “slut” for wanting to spend time away from him, and wanted to know where she was at all times. One time they both got so mad they were screaming at each other and Edwin slapped her on the face. Mia was so scared she didn’t tell anyone about it. Afterwards, Edwin felt bad, and he promised he would never do it again. Is this you? Tell someone now. Silence, as well as violence, kills. You have the right to be safe. Read more about your rights by clicking here.