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How to Get Food Benefits

Many of you tell us about problems trying to get food benefits (also called SNAP).  Well, the feds made things a lot clearer for those of you who are on your own and trying to get help with food from the State:

Photo ID: you can use a license, a work or school ID, your medical card, your voter registration card, pay stub, birth certificate, or a shelter worker or employer can verify your identity.

Your Address: you do not need a permanent address and if you are not living anywhere permanently, you don’t have to prove your address.

You can apply on your own even as a minor.

If you need proof of these rules, print this out & bring it with you to DSS: naehcy.org/sites/default/files/dl/legis/usda-snap-youth.pdf

Call us: (860) 570 – 5327 ext 260. Our help is free & confidential.